"New Girl" is the story about newly single Jess (Zooey Deschanel) learning how to move on with her life as she moves in with three guys she does not know (Damon Wayans Jr., Jake M. Johnson, and Max Greenfield). This was another show that I was looking forward to, but it was pretty low on my list. I just really like Deschanel, and that is the only reading why I wanted to watch this show. And I was right - she is the best part. She is quirky, funny, cute and down to earth. A lot of the time that she was on screen I found myself at least chuckling. That's a good start, in my opinion.
The rest of the cast were fine, but none of them really stood out. Just like in "Up All Night," a lot of this episode felt tired and old - not a great start for a new series. However, there were some truly funny parts - my favorite begin the douche jar. That made me laugh every time it was mentioned.
Now on to the real question: did it live up to the pilot episode of "Modern Family" - my pilot episode measuring stick? No, not even close. While that is disappointing, it is ok. I didn't like "The Office" until well into season 2, and now I can't get enough of that show. The good news is that this pilot made me want to see more from these characters, and that is really all that a pilot episode is supposed to do. It's supposed to give you enough of a taste of what the show could be, and then entice you enough to come back for more. So I'll definitely be tuning in next week. If you missed this episode on tv, you can download it for free from iTunes.
Score: 5 out of 10
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